This is a page for your dedication to River, Joaquin, or the whole family. You may send us your name, which candle you choose to be light, and a short message. Please give us an address if you have a site.
email address.. and your choices..
1. 2.
Chryseis For Rio, and Leaf.... Angels of the world |
For The Phoenix family River you will be missed |
Kirsten River, an angel in heaven, Joaquin heaven on earth
Abby For Joaquin Good Luck, Have Fun, and Keep Acting! :) |
The River will never run dry. Gods protect their family. |
Marissa For River You will always be in our hearts |
Wendy River was sent from Heaven He has just gone back home |
River you are always in my heart - Never forgotten. Your an Angel looking down on your family.
Rio I love you forever I´ll miss you. |
Monique "I know all too well what it´s like to lose someone close to you. But I´m sure River is around somewhere keeping an eye on you! God bless you all."
Kiara (Kiki)
River lives in us all |
For Joaquin There is no reason why bad things happen - they just do because they can, I want that thought to bring you comfort. |
Dearest River high above, We're
thinking of you with so much love.
Happy Birthday Rio! August 23rd and always! Your friend, Brad!
You will never be forgotten River. Rest in peace angel.
River you are always in my heart. I love you.
Happy birthday angel! You will always live in our hearts! Elternal River!
Forever in our hearts "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever"
"For you, River, my |
Rest in Peace, forever
Dearest River,
Death doesn't exist - only those who are forgotten die. RIP |
Happy Birthday River! You will always be remembered and your soul will live on forever in our hearts. I love you forever.
I will love & miss you always
I love you Joaquin! keep on acting! and i will keep on loving!!! |
Evann Daigle I'd like to say thanks to River for his great work in the movies, etc. we love and miss you. my sisiter Danielle blows a kiss to you.