The Leaf Campaign is in Memory of River, and to support Joaquin, and the rest of his family. 

aRiver once said:b

Phoenix had now decided to put his words into action and use his money to buy rain forest near his father on the border between Costa Rica and Panama and planned to buy a lot more.
"I have my reasons why I want to be filthy rich," said River.
"It's so I can buy the last growth and turn it into a permanent national park."
Abby Gorton said Phoenix was passionately commited to stopping the destruction of the rain forests years before other rock stars adopted it as a cause. "He wanted to buy up all the rain forests that are being destroyed and stop the destruction," said Gorton. "River had this amazing plan to sell off the rain forests he bought in ten-acre lots as gifts. The lots could never be sold or build on and all you could do was hand them down to your children and say, "here 's a piece of rain forest , please look after it because you're saving the world." He planned to start a charity and use the money generated from selling the lots to save more and more rain forests. That was River's way of saving the world." Bill Richert saw Phoenix as a Robin Hood figure who took money from the rich movie companies and gave it to the poor.
"And he didn't even had to steal," says Richert

more information on River saving the forest! 


40 species and 20 acres of rain forest are killed per minute.

*The Animals:

The animals which no one has ever seen before die, because the habitat is being destroyed for logging, mining, clearing trees for cattle grazing and building dams and highways. As the ecosystem shrinks, more and more species lose the resources that they need to survive.


Many delicious foods originally came from the rainforest, including: bananas, pineapples, oranges, lemons, coconuts, cashews, peanuts, corn, rice, avocados, onions, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, ginger, sugar, cinnamon, vanilla, cocoa, and even kola nut (which is used to flavor cola drinks). Even though we can now grow many of these foods ourselves or buy them at the grocery store, we must thank the rainforests for providing us with these foods in the first place.

Thousands of acres of rainforest are slashed and burned each year to grow grass for cattle pastures. Cows eat this grass and then get butchered and sent to the United States to be made into fast-food hamburgers. For every quarter pound fast-food hamburger that comes from the rainforest, 55 square feet of rainforest is destroyed. That's about the size of a small kitchen-and that's just for one hamburger! Choosing to eat less beef can really help save the rainforests. Make a list of healthy foods to eat instead of beef, and share it with your family and friends.

Also, look for snack foods like nuts and dried fruits that are labeled sustainably harvested from the rainforest. This means that they came from the rainforests without harming the trees, plants, animals or people that live there. Eating these foods helps the rainforest, and they're good for you too!

*Other People:

The Indigenous people of the Rainforest have live there for thousands of years, while around them their environment is collapsing. Their food, medicines and clothing come primarily from the forest. Besides hunting, gathering wild fruits and nuts and fishing, Indigenous people also plant small gardens for other sources of food, using a sustainable farming method called shifting cultivation. First they first clear a small area of land and burn it. Then they plant many types of plants, to be used for food and medicines. After a few years, the soil has become too poor to allow for more crops to grow and weeds start to take over. They then move to a nearby uncleared area. This land is traditionally allowed to regrow for 10-50 years before it is farmed again. Shifting cultivation is still practiced by those indigenous groups who have access to a large amount of land. However, with the growing number of non-indigenous farmers and the shrinking rainforest, other groups, especially in Indonesia and Africa, are now forced to remain in one area. The land becomes a wasteland after a few years of overuse, and cannot be used for future agriculture.

AThe Forest:

The acres and acres of precious wood is being cut down, although loggers say the replace the wood, it's not the same. Animals die, and so do people. We need to stop all those these terrible things, and save the rainforests!


A What we are doing:

We just used to have a little feature with Bravenet,  that  was when every person that clicked on the banner that was on this site and signs up for their services (for websites, its completely free!!) For each person that clicked on the banner, signs up, and is active, we got 20 cents!! We were gonna donate the money toThe Protect and Acre Program. But that didn't work that good, so we changed the Leaf Campaing to this:

This is the same principal as we just to have on here, you just go to this site and click on Save Rainforest, this is totally free. Sponsors pay money every time you click on it.

.Thank you so much for doin this, we, and the Phoenix family GREATLY appreciate it!


aMay the eternal River Flow.b

AWhat you can do:

Use less paper. Since most paper comes from trees, using less paper can help save the rainforests. Use recycled 100% post-consumer waste (PCW) paper whenever possible. Don't forget to recycle, and even those cookie, and pasta boxes!!

 Use less gasoline and plastic. Gasoline and plastic are two things that are made from petroleum, or oil. A lot of oil comes from the rainforests through a process called extraction. Since oil extraction is very harmful to the rainforests, using less oil products can help save the rainforests. Try to car pool, ride your bike, walk, and take a bus whenever possible!

Reduce the amount of plastic you use by choosing glass bottles and containers whenever possible and by reusing the plastic containers and bottles that you already have. If you have a plastic water bottle, do not throw it out and buy a new one. Instead, rinse it thoroughly and refill it again and again!

Eat less red meat. One big reason rainforests are being destroyed is for beef. Millions of acres of rainforest are slashed and burned, which means that the land is set on fire in order to clear it. The cleared land is then turned into grass pastures for cows. These cows get butchered and are often sent to the United States to be put into fast-food hamburgers, frozen meat products, and canned pet food. For every quarter-pound fast-food hamburger that comes from the rainforest, 55 square feet of rainforest is destroyed. That is the size of a small kitchen! And that's just for one hamburger!

When ordering food at restaurants, find items on the menu that do not contain beef. Ask your parents to help you create a list of healthy foods that you can eat at home that do not contain beef. When choosing pet food for your dog or cat, choose a flavor that isn't beef. By reducing the amount of beef you choose to eat, you are doing a lot to help save the rainforests! (also, you can try goin veggie, and eating no meat!)

Fundraise for the rainforest! Raising money to help protect rainforest land is easy and important. You can join together with people from your neighborhood to hold a popcorn or lemonade sale, a car wash, a rainforest play, a rummage sale, or to collect aluminum cans to recycle for cash. Another way to raise money for the rainforests is to just ask 5 or 10 people you know if they will give one dollar for the rainforests. If ten of you each ask five people for one dollar, you've just raised 50 dollars! Write to Rainforest Action Network for other ideas on how to fundraise for the rainforest.

Write a letter. Writing letters to the presidents of companies, or corporations, that destroy the rainforest is a very powerful thing to do. Unfortunately, there are many corporations that destroy the rainforest by logging the trees, drilling for oil, or using rainforest beef in their products

 Educate yourself and others. Rainforests are magical places that are important to every living thing on earth. Whether we live in the city, country, mountains, or deserts, rainforests affect all of us. Learn more about the rainforests and why they are so magical and important.


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