29-04-I got a great article from Haruka, much thanks for that, and it is about Summer in Time Out New York magazine, there is bit of Joaquin in it:
Her 84' glossy black Ovation (a hand-me-down from Joaquin) needs a tune-up, so we jet upstairs to the repair shop
You can read the whole story & see the pictures HERE or at the Summer news Page
28-04-On Ebay you can buy Backwards The Riddle Of Dyslexia again
There are some screencaptures with it of River & Joaquin, you can see them HERE
AFrom the Official Site Of Signs HERE
See the world premiere of the new trailer for "Signs", Network television debute of "The Sixth Sense" On ABC, sunday 28the april 2002, 8.00-11.00 p.m. ET, with never seen before footage, for the people who don't have ABC like me boohoo :(, you can see the new trailer on monday 29 april 12.01 a.m. on the Official Site woohoo :)
26-04-Rain News
BB: Scott is in Michigan. He was finishing his college degree last I heard. Tracy (Dr St Causey) is teaching film at Kalamazoo College, Ane (The Truth) has a new band called Product, Rain (Reign Causey) is working in film again as well as playing in a new band she started called Nux Vomica, Jody (Youth Causey) is playing guitar and singing in his new band Kokomo and will most likely start drumming for the Mooney Suzuki next spring, Andy (Red Causey) is playing bass for The Glands, Josh is playing drums for Japanic. Brian (Boy Causey) is playing drums for Man Or Astro Man? and Shannon Wright, and Steve (Cousin Baby) is still playing guitar in Squeaky and working at Mirror Image Studios here in Gainesville. I'm not sure what Marni and Susan are doing now. I think that's everyone.
Read HERE the whole article & HERE an older article about The Causey Way
24/25-04-Two new pictures of Signs HERE
& here the release dates for Sings
Canada 2 August 2002, Russia 2 August 2002, USA 2 August 2002, New Zealand 15 August 2002, Netherlands 5 September 2002, Germany 12 September 2002, UK 13 September 2002, Argentina 26 September 2002, France 9 October 2002.
21-04-I have put all the news of Summer on a page (look above Summer News), I will put next to it when it is updated, so that you can see that there is more news about her on it, so I won't put Summer news on this page anymore (also I gonna erase the Summer news of the archives of Joaquin, because everything is now on Summer news pages) This is gonna maybe be easier to find older news again about Joaquin or Summer :)
20-04-Summer is in the magazine Empire from May Thanks for this news Marjorie
Summer Phoenix
The seasonal pro or jumping the queue in Dinner Rush
Summer Phoenix is the kind of girl who could charm the birds out of the trees. But the stamp her size fives if she didn't like their song. Indeed, the youngest member of cinema's funkiest acting clan is, by her own admission, "tough, hard-nosed and not easy to fuck with". Still, as Empire chats with her over coffee, a softer side slowly reveals it self. This is a girl who calls her family every day, lives next door to her brother (whom she endearingly refers to as Joaq') and who , despite an unorthodox, sorrowhat hippie, upbringing was, "definitely Stacy or Tiffany when my sister and me played house". So far being a tough cookie has served her well. In this month's Dinner Rush she sparkles as a hard as nails waitress with artistic ambitions, and she has also amassed both rave reviews and an independent Spirit nomination Stateside for her role in the upcoming The Believer, a story about religion and indentity. Although that's not to say that al this serious acting lark can't get a little wearing sometimes. "I want a genius director like Wes Anderson to do an action flick with" she says. "I mean, how fresh would that be?" Hmm, Rushmore meets Rush Hour? It could work
you can see the picture HERE
AI have put all the articles & some of
the Summer pictureslinks onto one page HERE
put this link also on Summer her page,
I gonna put also all the news of Summer on one page later
19-04-I got this from a Yahoo messages board from Signs
Ok, You all aren't going
to believe this, but, from what I understand, Buena Vista released a fairly long
(30 or 40 minutes) segment from the middle of the film. I guess it was a
part of a showcase for their summer movies, or something and was shown to some
exhibitors and theater owners (of which my uncle is one in LA). Anyways, from
what I heard, the clip was awesome and both Gibson and Phoenix gave great
performances. Both Shyamalan and Gibson were on hand for it and I guess
the audience really loved it. Geez, I wish I could have
seen it!
Bad news about "It is all about love"
the Danish Newspaper "Ekstra Bladet"
I am disappointed !!
"It is no secret that I am disappointed about "It is all about
love" not is going to be shown in Cannes, but in a way I am also a
bit relieved because it would take a lot of compromises to get it ready in
time to the Cannes Film Festival in May ! I am happy that I now have time
to make the movie just how I want it. The committee have seen my movie
without music, at a time when I did not really think it was ready"
Thomas Vinterberg says !
It is almost 4 years ago, Thomas Vinterberg won the Jury's Specialprice in
Cannes for his movie " Festen" and it was kind of a matter of
course that "It is all about love" with Joaquin Phoenix and
Claire Danes would be chosen for the festival !
"They told me from Cannes that they like my movie, but that they were
looking for another kind of movie this year. They were very suprised that
I had made an American movie and not had continued in the same direction
as Festen." Thomas Vinterberg already received the bad news some
weeks ago ! I do not make movies for Cannes, but for the public ! The
rejection from Cannes can mean something for the publicity in France, but
it has already been sold to most of the world except for The US. But he
admits that is has hurt his sence of honour.
But in spite of the disappointment, he is still very optimistic about the
movie ! " I am very happy about my movie, it is a big movie and a big
project and very different from " Festen" This movie is kind of
the opposite of "Festen", and Joaquin Phoenix and Claire Danes
is also very happy about the movie" he says.
14-04-I have made 2 more wallpapers, HERE the last 2 wallpapers on that page
13-04-From countingdown.com
Here they count down to the releases dates of movies, apparently Buffalo Soldiers will be released on 19 july 2002, I really hopes so
The Official site of Buffalo Soldiers said March, but march is over lol
11-04-There are 4 more little pictures from The Vanity Fair Oscar Party at wireimage
You can see them HERE
10-04-Cannes news from HERE
Cannes lags on film picks
Tue Apr 9, 2:35 AM ET
It is also unclear whether von Trier's fellow Dogme pioneer, Thomas Vinterberg, will have his movie "It's All About Love," starring Claire Danes and Joaquin Phoenix, finished in time.