31-05-An article from IAAL HERE, very big THANKS to Helene for translating this
& in the magazine Empire of July UK version is an article of Signs
28-05-I got 3 pictures from IAAL thanks to Marissa :)
Oh & my sister saw Joaquin with a girl (probably Topaz, she said she was kinda blond & bigger than him) on tv sunday, he was in Cannes she says. I missed it, she is sure that it was him & that it was this year Cannes :lol. It was on the news here because of the belgian actor that won in Cannes.
& here a story about the family Mouser HERE
25-05-Here a little bit out of an intervieuw with Tomas Arana for a backgammon site
You mentioned in our first
communication that GLADIATOR was a film filled with backgammon. Tell us about
what went on behind the scenes?
On GLADIATOR, we had three months of tournaments. Joaquin Phoenix, Connie
Nielsen, David Hemmings, Djimon Hounsou, Ralf Moeller and I played continuously
on set dressed in our Roman costumes, in our trailers and in the Phoenicia Hotel
in Malta in the evening at our "Colosseum Club". Ridley Scott and the
assistant directors would even make amusing comments about our playing
everywhere. On the set, as all movie sets, there is lots of waiting around and
it passes the time perfectly. Ridley Scott's girlfriend, the actress Gianina
Facio is also a tournament level player, but she wasn't there often enough to
play. We would attract crowds of some of the crew, but only us actors would have
any real down time, as the crew works continuously to prepare for us to be in
front of the camera. Joaquin Phoenix was by far the best player, he beat
everyone on a regular basis, but he also taught us to get better and better. A
tournament level player had taught him. We would play with the winner staying
and playing until he lost. We usually bet about $5 to start with and then used
the doubling cube.
23-05-2 new pictures of Signs HERE, thanks Trinity for finding those pictures :)
22-05-I got 2 pictures of Joaquin & Topaz from a Japanese fashion magazine from HARUKA, big thanks for that :)
You can see them HERE
20-05-Thanks Marissa for this news :)
News from " Det Danske Filminstitut " (The danish filminstitute) website
You can read the 2 articles from IAAL HERE
*I have put on a french poem for River, made by Marjorie, big thanks for that, you can see it HERE
*& I have put on an article on Summer News thank you Hakura for that, worth reading for Joaquin's fans too
16-05-Thank to HARUKA for this news, an article about Signs HERE from NYpost
15-05-Some news about "It's All About Love" from HARUKA, thanks for that "The movie will come out this fall in Japan.(but I don't know whether it is true or not.) One of production companies is Shochiku entertaiment which is a biggest production company in Japan." Thanks for the article also, I know someone who can translate it, if she wants too ;) :lol. I will post it on here when I got the translation.
Here the translation for it
No Vinterberg to Cannes.
After getting the Jury's specialprice for "Festen" in 1998 it is a
huge disapointment for the Danish director Thomas Vinterberg, that his latest
movie, the English-speaking "It is all about love" has been rejected
by the film festival in Cannes.
Vinterberg could tell about his disapoinment to the Danish newspaper
"politiken" that friday could announce that the movie was turned down.
"They have told me that they were very surprised and cannot understand that
the movie not is similar to "Festen". But for me it was very important
to make something different" Thomas Vinterberg says to the newspaper.
Vinterberg emphazises, that the movie that is a lovemovie and roadmovie across
the United States with Joaquin Phoenix (Gladiator) and Claire Danes
(Romeo+Juliett) in the leading roles, first of all has been made for the
audience and not for Cannes ! But there is no doubt that taking part in the film
festival would have made things much easier.
The Danish premiere on "It is all about love" has been set for August
the 23rd so far.
13-05-Clay Pigeons is on tv today, monday 13 may 2002, 22.15pm ZDF
11-05-Added also one picture of Joaquin & Topaz HERE, it is a larger one of Joaquin & Topaz at The Vanity Fair Oscar Party at Mortons
*A lot of new Signs pictures HERE, the first page are the new pictures
*I have found another picture of Joaquin in London, put it with the rest of the pictures HERE
*I found this on the net HERE
America's Kids, Joaquin is on the Honorary board
just back from London, and what do I see that Joaquin was in London and I missed
him :( I was at the Garrick Theater 7 may and I went to see the play 8 may. On 7
may there were a lot of photographers outsite. I
went to pick up my tickets that night. Little did I know that Joaquin was inside. I love the play, it was really good, Damon, Casey & Summer are great
on stage. Matt started to laugh a few times. I wouldn't mind see it twice :) What
I also found in London, while I was going to Carnabystreet, somewhere in the
little streets around Carnabystreet, forgot where lol is a store called Vintage
& there they sell River & Joaquin pictures, you can also buy River
pictures at Covent Garden in that market place. My sister spotted Joaquin on
Covent Garden :lol, to bad that it was just a picture, there is this marketstore
that sells buttons was a basket with flower buttons in it with this
picture of Joaquin with it, I took a picture of it, but my photo's aren't
developed yet. So you can buy the Flowerbuttons that Joaquin has on him in that
picture there :lol Well I can see that I missed a lot of news while I was away,
so here a big update
*Here some pictures of what I missed :( in London while I was right there :lol typical
You can see some more HERE
*Big thanks Fiona for this TV alert
For the people in the UK "To Die For" is on Channel 4 this Sunday (12th of May) at 10pm.
*Joaquin didn't win The Sexiest Vegetarian Alive at PETA
*A lot of new Signs Pictures HERE the first 2 pages are new pictures
* Movieline Summer Escapes May 2002
Do crop circles actually scar anybody? We have never understood why, when confronted with gigantic primitive patters cut out of neatly planed farm fields, people don't automatically figure that someone has gone round the bend in their anthropology research, or someone has finally realized that the farm life is intolerably boring and the whole town could benefit from a harmless hoax, or worst-case scenari that someone in the local high school has been dealing ecstasy. The conclusion you wouldn't come to is that aliens were doing it or that there was some secret meaning to it all. Well, M. Night Shyamalan of The Sixth Sense fame and Unbreakable infamy is out to prove us wrong, and his success at doing so will depend on which of his two previous movies this one resembles. It's a bit of a relief to have Mel Gibson stepping in for Bruce Willis as Shyamalan's star in this one (even if he is the best-looking farmer ever to till the soil of eastern Pennsylvania), and Joaquin Phoenix is classy casting as Mel's younger brother (what did the parents look like?) That said, the trailer to this film isn't a bit spooky, so M. Night has heaps of pressure on him, and we're exceedingly curious about how he'll pull this premise out of the fire, or light a fire under it.
* Thanks to Steve for this (& also Scott who send it to him)
JP deals drugs, pulls scams and dates Anna
Paquin as a rabble-rousing army private
From Total Film (UK): "He's just a total s***," says Joaquin Phoenix
of the character he plays in 'Buffalo Soldiers', a sort of hard-edged Sergeant
Bilko out to make a quick buck any way he can. "But you need people like
him. He's one of those people who helps balance the world." The 27-year-old
'Gladiator' star has just spent three months on an abandoned American army base
near Stuttgart, playing Private Ray Elwood, the guy to go to for everything from
loo paper, to dope, to heavy-duty weaponry. His black market scams, however,
face disruption with the arrival of the seriously unhinged Sergeant Lee (Scott
Glenn). Further complicating matters is Elwood's relationship with Lee's
daughter Robyn (Anna Paquin). Based on Robert O'Connor's cult novel, 'Buffalo
Soldiers' lifts the lid on the startling behaviour of a handful of the 350,000
American troops stationed in West Germany just prior to the fall of the Berlin
Wall. Many were young men who, given the choice between prison and time in the
army, opted for the latter - and ended up taking drugs to stave off their
boredom (some would even shoot up while driving tanks on manoeuvres). "I
just love the concept of boredom," says Phoenix, who claims to have never
heard of Sgt Bilko. "It absolutely tickles me and that's one of the things
that attracted me to Elwood. What a great concept. He's just so bored."
Following in the tradition of such subversive classics as 'M*A*S*H' and 'Three
Kings', 'Buffalo Soldiers' may well be anti-war but it's not necessarily
anti-military. "It is and it isn't," says writer-director Gregor
Jordan, who grew up on army bases around Australia and brought some of those
experiences to the film. "I know people within the army have read the
script, people who were actually there in West Germany, and they don't see it as
an unflattering portrayal. They see it as an analysis of the kinds of things
that really happened."
*Also thanks to Steve
Courtesy of is this .mov clip (0:25mins. 1,001KB) of Mel Gibson talking about Joaquin, praising JP for his work on Signs, how much he gives to a performance and brotherhood
06-05-I will be away for a few days, so the next update will be probably friday
I have updated the site a bit, look at the update page
& Thanks to Steve for this, Spacecamp & Inventing The Abbott's are on tv in the UK
*Bank Holiday Monday (6th May), SpaceCamp 11.40am - 1.40pm Channel 4
*Wednesday 8th May, Inventing The Abbotts 12.15am - 2.10pm ITV1
Some of the things they say of Joaquin in Signs
*Joaquin does it again ("Joaquin, you're the bomb!"). He owned the role, thank god Ruffalo dropped out. His character is funny, naive and touching. He has a couple of scenes with Mel that make the movie.
*Joaquin is touching and at times hilarious such as his description of his own personal reason for having faith in god- hint- it has to do with kissing a drunk, about to be violently ill girl and a moment of lucky timing.
*The acting is superb by all involved, especially by Joaquin Phoenix, who was absolutely hilarious.
*Joaquin is very funny in this film and the moment where he confronts Mel Gibson near the end about his lack of faith is one of the movie's best.
*And is wonderfully supported by Phoenix who helps add humor and believably to the family unit in peril.
01-05-Two reviews of Signs
& HERE some Signs pictures
30-04-The German website for Joaquin Phoenix: Looking for JP has got some new Buffalo Soldiers pictures HERE Thanks Marissa for letting me know this