I would like to say, I am vegetarian, so if I sound a little
like I am preaching, or that I don't respect other people's beliefs or morals,
I'm sorry. Please tell me if I get out of hand. Hopefully, I can control myself.
- 1) Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian: does not eat meat, fish or fowl. Eats dairy and
egg products.
- 2) Ovo Vegetarian: does not eat meat, fish, fowl or dairy products. Eats
egg products.
- 3) Lacto Vegetarian: does not eat meat, fish, fowl or eggs. Eats dairy
- 4) Vegan: does not eat any animal products including meat, fish, fowl,
eggs, dairy, honey, etc. Most vegans do not use any animal products such as
silk, leather, wool, etc. as well.
If you would like a free vegetarian starter kit, you can get one
through www.meatstinks.com